Best Resistance Bands For Weight Loss - How To Do
The resistance bands that we usually know are only temporarily used as workout auxiliary or warm-up tools, but actually these tiny things are far more than just warming up. A resistance band even can achieve the functions of many fitness equipment. With the help of resistance bands, we can activate our muscle fibers to work hard and increase the resistance to our movements, so as to achieve the purpose and effect of losing weight, as well as build muscle and improve strength.
As more and more people pay attention to physical health and obesity, this article will talk about how to use resistance bands to lose weight, and these essential workout tools are recommended for people of all fitness levels, ages, and genders.
We will explain how to use resistance bands to lose weight from abdomen, legs, arms to back with 11 simple movements:
- Supine Leg Kick
- Plank with Knee Raise
- Supine Alternating Leg Lifts
- Tabletop Glute Kickbacks
- High Knee
- Standing Hip Abduction
- Shoulder Press
- Bicep Curl
- Triceps Kickback
- Assisted Pull Up
- Lat Pull Down
1. Abdomen:
● How to Do A Supine Leg Kick:
- Fix a section of resistance band.
- Push the bandwith both feet to the limit when inhaling.
- Retract the legs to the initial position when exhaling.
- Repeat the movement.
Training area: back, abs and biceps femoris.
Reps: 15 times x 3 groups
● How to Do A Plank with Knee Raise
- Put the resistance band on the soles of the feet.
- Put your hands on the ground.
- Use your abdominal muscles to push one leg closer to your chest when you exhale.
- Stop for a while. (15 seconds)
- Inhale when you restore, and switch sides.
Training area: core muscles
Reps: 30 times x 3 groups (legs)
● How to Do A Supine alternating leg lifts
- Let the resistance band cover the feet and ankles, then lie down.
- The wrists need to be placed under the hips for support
- Use the strength of the abdomen to control the legs not to touch the ground, and the legs are raised and lowered alternately.
Training area: abdomen and legs
Reps: 20 times x 3 groups (legs)
2. Glutes & Legs:
● How to Do A Tabletop Glute Kickbacks
- Place the resistance band on the soles of the feet
- Kneel down and put your hands on the ground.
- When you exhale, stretch your right knee as far as possible to the rear and upper side.
- When retracting your legs, inhale.
- Control your body and tighten your core smoothly throughout the process.
Training area: glutes and legs
Reps: 20 times x 3 groups (legs)
● How to Do A High Knee
- Let the resistance band wraps the soles of the feet
- Starts to do high leg exercises.
- Bring your knees to the level of your belly button.
- Hold at the top for half a second, then relax.
Training part: legs
Reps: 20 times x 3 groups (legs)
● How to Do A Standing Hip Abduction
- Let the resistance band cover the ankles of both feet.
- Stand with hands on hips, lift one foot and lift it outward.
Training area: legs and buttocks
Reps: 20 times x 3 groups (legs)
3. Arms:
● How to Do A Shoulder Press
- Step on the resistance bands with one foot.
- Stabilize the body and tighten the core, and push the shoulders upward.
Training area: shoulders and arms
Reps: 15 times x 3 groups
● How to Do A Bicep Curl
- Step on the middle of a resistance band (feet hip-distance apart)
- Holding its end with hands, arms by sides.
- Bend elbows, bringing hands up in front of shoulders slowly and with control. (Upper arm and wrist should stay still; only forearm should move.)
- Pause(15 seconds)
- Lower down slowly all the way to the bottom.
Training area: biceps
Reps: 10 times x 3 groups
● How to Do A Triceps Kickback
- Step on the resistance band with both feet
- Clamp your arms tightly without shrugging your shoulders, slightly bend your body forward, and pull the resistance band back.
Training area: arm
Reps: 15 times x 3 groups
4. Back:
● How to Do A Assisted Pull Up
- Fix the resistance band at a high place, kneel on one knee, keep the upper body upright.
- Pull down to the collarbone.
- Pull the elbows back and down, and squeeze the back.
Training area: back
Reps: 15 times x 3 groups
● How to Do A Lat Pull Down
- Fix the resistance band at a high place.
- Hold the middle of the band with both hands.
- Use the strength of the legs to jump up gently.
- Use the momentum to complete the pull-up, slowly lower the body to the initial position, and be familiar with the movement track of the pull-up.
Training area: back and arms
Reps: 20 times x 3 groups
Let's start together! WEGYM smart resistance bands with our follow-up training courses help you work out more efficiently, keep in fit and reach your fitness goals faster.
In addition to these weight loss movements mentioned above, we recommend how to push ups with resistance bands, which is also helpful.